
As you embark on the wonderful experience of finding the best school for your child and your family, let us answer some questions you might have about Cambridge.
We value character, effort and achievement. The core of the school’s purpose is our desire to imbue our students with a life-long passion for learning and high standards of integrity.
The school seeks to achieve its mission by providing the children with opportunities to explore and take risks within a safe and supportive environment.
Our faculty creates an atmosphere that fosters critical thinking, problem solving and learning by doing. The school focuses on intellectual, physical, and artistic development. The low student-teacher ratio enables our exceptional faculty to maximize individual attention. Our nurturing, family-oriented environment brings out the joy of learning in each child.
We believe in fostering integrity, hard work, kindness, personal and social responsibility and mutual respect in all our students. We embrace diversity and honour the longstanding traditions of our school.
In a rapidly changing and challenging world we believe that it to be the school’s primary task to foster in its community a lifelong love of learning and a sense of responsible citizenship. Our educational programmes are designed to develop the understanding, skills and attitude that support this. We believe that as we move through the process of inquiry, decision making and reflection, we develop an understanding of ourselves, of other people and our world.
As life-long learners we will acquire the ability to
- As life-long learners we will acquire the ability to
- Listen and be open-minded.
- Think critically yet compassionately and use the skills, knowledge and creativity to find solutions to problems.
- Effectively communicate feelings, opinions and ideas in a variety of ways.
As responsible global citizens we will demonstrate
- Empathy and Compassion.
- Honesty and Integrity.
- Respect and Tolerance for other traditions and cultures.
- Respect and Concern for our planet.
- The confidence to defend our rights and values while respecting those of others.
We believe that the above dispositions and talents can only be fostered in a secure, supportive and multi-cultural environment. We believe that honesty, respect and concern are fundamental to creating a positive school culture and ultimately a better world. We believe that every individual has the desire and the ability to learn and it is our duty to provide a positive and authentic learning environment. Our students are encouraged to take risks and to do their best at all times. Personal success is celebrated and students are assisted in reaching their potential intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically.
At Cambridge, parents, teachers and students are partners in learning. Parents are encouraged to take an active role in guiding and supporting their children’s learning. All members of the community are asked to embrace the values and positive attitudes we desire in our students. Collaboration, sharing of ideas and creative conflict resolution should characterize all relationships within the school community.
The 21st century will require independent thinkers, responsible citizens, creative problem-solvers and confident decision-makers. With a secure base in these skills, our students should be able to move on to other school environments, third level education and the wider world with confidence and optimism.

Our vision comprises a new paradigm in education with greater emphasis on experiential and application based learning, entrepreneurship and inclusion of emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. We are committed to empower students to acquire, demonstrate, articulate and value knowledge and skills that will support them as lifelong learners to participate and contribute to the global world and practice the core values of the school: respect, tolerance, inclusion and excellence.