
To ensure All-Round Development, we offer a plethora of club activities. They are:

  • Theatre: To instill the skills of acting, narrating, directing and scrip writing.
  • Reach Out Club: To serve the needy and the society.
  • Green Brigade: To bring back the green into this world to make this a better place to live.
  • Fine Arts: To develop aesthetic sense.
  • Invincible Explorers: To enable students to explore and decode the mysteries of science.
  • Puppet making and Art & Craft: To harness creativity in students.
  • Little Master Chef: To develop culinary skills.
  • Science & Mathematics Club: To inculcate scientific temper among the students and heighten the numerical skill. Guest lectures, visit to places of scientific interests, organizing science exhibitions and quizzing are the major activities of the club.
  • Music Club: We train students in Hindustani vocals, Carnatic music, Drums, Guitar and Keyboard.
  • Literary Club: To develop skills in public speaking, debate, declamation, creative writing and elocution.
  • Space Club: Astronomy the mother of all sciences is the latest to be learned and taken up for career. The Space Club is the basic platform for budding astronomers.
  • Young Journalists Club: Students with exceptional writing skills are encouraged to take active part in the activities of the club. Visits to the press, interacting with noted journalist, writing reports on the various activities of the school for the school bulletin boards and bringing out the Annual school magazine are noteworthy.
  • Adventure Club: Students are taken for outdoor activities like cross country trekking, rock climbing, rappelling and river crossing. The students are thus exposed to outdoor activities.